XI GROUP  |  Xi Slim & Beauty TCM Centre


Bloating Pain TCM Treatment

Do you feel bloated throughout the day? Chinese medicine understands bloating as an imbalance with our digestive system. When the stomach and intestines are not working properly, food could not digest efficiently. In this case, the stomach and intestines produce too much gas and food is not fully processed, resulting in pain and discomfort. Acupuncture […]

Traditional Chinese Medicine Quality Assurance

To achieve the best results possible and quality assurance, our medicine (comprised of herbs) are authentic, of premium quality, pesticide free and imported from Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) certified sources only.  Our charges are based on the prescription of herbs and we believe that it is priced reasonably for the high quality of the herbs […]

Obesity affecting fertility in us

Enhancing fertility treatments with herbs, acupunctures & Moxibustion

Bringing back fertility through traditional treatment


一谈到多毛症,有人就容易与毛发过多混为一谈。实际上,两者是有区别的,它们产生的原因也不同。女性多毛症的早期症状可能只表现毛发过多,使人难以分辨。而毛发过多并呈进行性发展或突然增多时,才属于女性多毛症。 那么毛发过多与女性多毛症有什么区别呢? 毛发过多是指体表毛发增多,大部分有家族性毛发过多史,无出现男性化的表现,因没有生理异常,所以无需治疗。而女性多毛症的特征是只有与雄性激素有关部位的毛发变多,例如上唇、下巴、下颌轮廓线、前胸、下腹、大腿上方等,毛发分布形式有男性倾向。有的伴有男性化现象,如有喉结出现,声调低沉、秃顶及阴蒂肥大等,多数还伴有向心性肥胖、月经异常或闭经等症状. 女性多毛症往往与体内激素失调,即雄激素过多。升高的雄激素可能是因卵巢源性雄激素增多、肾上腺源性激素增多和外源性激素及药物所致。而女性发生多毛症的最常见原因是多囊卵巢综合征所致,大多数还伴随着较严重的青春痘和月经周期不规则的症状。 多囊卵巢综合征是青春期和育龄期妇女最常见的一种内分泌异常,以月经失调(月经稀发或闭经)、不孕、多毛、痤疮和肥胖为主症,是神经、内分泌系统及代谢调控失衡引起的疾病。中医在临床治疗方面,主要以调整内分泌紊乱和调整正常后促排卵用药为主。补肾活血是中医治疗多囊卵巢综合征的基本方法。补肾中药被认为具有内分泌激素样作用,能够对女性性腺轴具有双向调节作用,补肾基础上加活血药物又能改善卵巢局部的血液循环,增加卵巢血流量,从而促使卵泡发育、诱发排卵及促进黄体形成。中医也通过针灸调节下丘脑–垂体–卵巢轴功能而达到调节内分泌的作用。中医针灸治疗本病具有较好的疗效,针灸通过刺激经穴,调理脏腑功能、调和气血,能从多途径、多靶点进行调整,不仅可以调节内分泌激素水平而达到促排卵的效果,还能调节异常的糖脂代谢,从而改善胰岛素抵抗以及减肥降脂,还可以减少痤疮、多毛等症。 病案举例: 患者,女,26岁,2017年6月17日初诊。患者2016年10月闭经4个月诊断为多囊卵巢综合征。末次月经2017年3月9日,月经量少色暗。患者形体偏胖,颜面部痤疮,体毛较多,平素易烦躁,睡眠差,舌略红苔薄,脉滑略弦。根据以上症状,此患者属于肾阴亏虚,相火亢盛,瘀血阻滞。于内服滋阴活血的中药及针灸治疗数疗程后,痤疮及毛发明显减少,2017年8月4日月经来潮,量略有增加。依照序贯疗法,服中药至12月初,服药期间,月经29至35日一行,量色逐渐改善,经期3至6天。 不论是毛发过多或多毛症,建议皆需请医师诊察,查明病因后,对症治疗。 黄爱妨 中医师


Hirsutism is a condition of unwanted, male-pattern hair growth in female. Hirsutism results in excessive unwanted hair growth on face, chest and back, where hair usually develops in men. This illness affects around 5-10% of women and is more often seen in women between 30-50 years old. Women with hirsutism have high level of androgens […]

Cupping Therapy Near Zero Rebound

  Most of slimming therapies will have weight rebound effect after certain period of time. In TCM Aesthetic, one of the treatments  we provide for slimming is cupping therapy. Now, question arises, will cupping therapy cause rebound in weight or inches? Theoretically, it definitely will just like other therapy. But, based on clinical experiences, the […]


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