XI GROUP  |  Xi Slim & Beauty TCM Centre

May Wong

I always finding difficulties when go “poo poo” and suffering from this problem around 1 year plus. Because of this, i spend alot of money on detox drinks, massage and even some slimming course in reputable slimming centre. The main reason not on my weight but the disturbing constipation and fat tummy problems !

Due to this reason, i have to consume 2 pack of  detox drink / day to let my self able to go “toilet” and i really felt that this is not a health way if i continue with this kind of “solution”, i seeking alot of method until my best friend introduce to try the slimming program in xi slim ! she told me their method some kind of special as using”chong yi” way which traditional chinese medicine and acupuncture for weight loss. and she has undergone around 5 to 6 treatment and felt whole body was feel “lighter”, relax and good sleep throughout the night ! Okay, since the price still acceptable, just give my self a chance to cure my problems !

This is my first experience on seeing “chong yi”, i though is was uncle aunty physician, but surprisingly the chong yi is a young lady ( i doubt on it at first !), haha. She help me to “bak mak” – taking pulse and check my tounge and asking me alot of question and commented that my “energy was stuck” (sound weird right) and cause the serious constipation problem. Ok, i say ~ lets start the treatment as  i really cannot understand so many “chong yi” words.

My first experience on ” chong yi”, my first experience on “acupuncture” and my first experience on those “cupping” too. Seriously, i really wish to escape when start on the cupping method, so painful. but she keep comfort and explain to me, pain mean my “energy was stuck” and the pain will slowly reduce on following treatment.  1st treatment take about one and half hour and i was so exhausted after the 1st treatment 🙂 and she advice me to come at least 3 times / weeks for maximize result.

I had a very good sleep after the 1st treatment (maybe too exhausted ? ) and feel quite relax in night (feel like after massage and keep want to zzzz).

Ok, Lets me share the result after the 5th treatment – i decide to throw my detox drink already – i able to go “toilet” without any helps of detox drinks, wow amazing right ! but i just afraid if i dint go for the treatment will the same problems occurs ? In fact, she prescribe some medicine (zhong yao) for me and ask me to take for 1 month. i did and now the treatment was over for 2 months but i still no need to depend any detox drinks ! haha.. Thanks xi slim ! i going to have my 2nd treatment soon, cause i wana bid farewell to my tummy !! Yes, sure i can do it with the effective “chong yi” way !

PS : My ideal tummy shape as the photo i send to xi slim, haha ! i can do it !