我们的中医师将通过中医辨证论治的方式 -所谓辨证,即是四诊(望、闻、问、切)所收集的资料、症状和体征,通过分析和辨清导致肥胖和皮肤问题的根源以确定相应的治疗方法。
After the TCM weight management program, my body functions are also regulated and returned to their balances, healthy state. Always remember healthier weight does not only means being in shape, it also means a healthier me.I successfully dropped by one dress size!!!
- Jess Ying
I always have constipation problems and try many detox drinks, massage way but at the end i still facing the constipation problems. I have joined the 7 session introductory package introduce by Xi Slim...
- May Wong
Be the next success story!